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From the desk of Secretary

Welcome to Cambridge School

For all parents, the education of their children is of the greatest importance and selecting the right school is not an easy task. The benefit of a sound education is one of the greatest gifts you can bestow on your children. It is something they cannot lose or have taken away from them. Education will greatly influence in realizing their potential and will enhance their chances of leading a successful life.

I feel proud to announce the grand success which Cambridge School has acquired with its ever increasing performance, since its inception in April 2007. The School, set on its wheels to begin its noble mission and to fulfill the dream and vision of Cambridge Education Society, not only looks forward to imbibe academic domain but also aims to culture self stability and sustainable qualities.

We prepare our pupils to play a meaningful role in the future of India by providing them with modern infrastructure facilities in the school campus, experienced and reputed teachers for proper teaching and guidance, and non-teaching members to facilitate student's stay during the school hours. We also organize special coaching for anxious appetite of senior classes and thus help them maximize their knowledge reservoir. The School also sanctions merit-cum-poverty scholarships, on an annual basis, from class VIIIth onwards to encourage education of poor and talented students.

Obviously these milestones of success would not have been possible to get a goal without warmly participation and co-operation from all the students, the staff members, the parents/guardians, as well as the citizens. I look forward to get your keen interest to continue support and constructive suggestions in the future as well.

With regards
Arvind Kumar